
The setting is an empty beach. An off-stage voice of a woman, says, “Walk with me.” She is echoed by the voice of a rock and a plant, inanimate objects that proceed to appear on stage with a White Boy and a Black Boy. The rock reveals that he was once fluid. The cactus plant opens herself in love to the sun, and “closes in sadness.” The Woman talks about riding horses and affairs she’s had with a stable boy and another with an artist. The White Boy tells his tale of incest, and refuses to make love to the Woman. The Black Boy talks gibberish and makes love to the air. The cactus plant ingests a body a la Little Shop of Horrors. The rock rises with excitement. And the Black Boy babbles about being only a little boy.

Synopsis taken from Edward Albee: A Research and Production Sourcebook by Barbara Lee Horn.

Horn, Barbara Lee. Edward Albee: A Research and Production Sourcebook. Westport: Praeger Pub, 2003.

Type: Short Play

Acts: One

First Performance: 22 May 1984, University of California, Irvine, CA

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